The Bridge Center of St Paul is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.
Because of that we have an annual membership fee. Members receive a $2 discount for club games ($7/$9).
Partnership Organization
Kim Hayward 651-271-3500 Manager: Kimberly Hayward
(call or text) Assistant Manager: Larry Huiras
Board of Directors (8/24-7/25):
(Officers chosen at Aug mtg.)
Jeff Walker, President
David Gustafson, Vice President
Joe Carter, Secretary
Dan McIntyre, Treasurer
Rolf Hubmayr, Board Member
Kris Verdin & Ellen Kluz, I/N Liasons to the Board
Bridge Center of St Paul Schedule
Full Game Schedule
Any Game: If you need partner, call/text Kim 651-271-3500.
10:00am Open Pairs
12:30pm 0-500 Pairs
10:00am Open Pairs
6:30pm 0-3000 Pairs
10:00am 0-3000 Pairs
REGISTER 11:00am-12:00pm Intermediate Chat Lessons
12:30pm Mentor Pairs (LM w/non-LM)
(non-LM must by under 750 MP)
12:30pm Chat Bridge (0-50 MP)
10:00am Open Pairs
12:30pm Open Pairs (hosted by Plymouth Bridge)
6:30pm Fun Games (quarterly with potluck at 6pm)
One Sunday aft per month, special game, see calendar.
6:00pm Intermediate Lesson w/Keith Connolly
6:30pm Open Pairs
* If you would like to play in a limited game and need
a partner, please call/text 24 hours in advance.