Beginning Bridge I - Bidding
[Hybrid Format: Online and In Person simultaneously you choose]
Mondays 6:30-8:30pm CT
September 23 - November 11
They say Bridge is a Bidder’s game! Here is where you can start, based on the popular ACBL Bridge Series:
Bidding In The 21st Century, this course has 8 lessons on Standard American bidding. We will cover all the
basics to get you playing at the club or at your kitchen table.
♣ Each class includes approximately a 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of play.
♣ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♣ The course book is available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pickup) or online from Baron Barclay.
♣ Taught by: Larry Huiras. For more information email:
Beginning Bridge II - Play of the Hand
[Offered Online Only]
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm CT
September 25 - November 20
Course is facilitated over Zoom. Based on the popular ACBL Bridge Series: Play of the Hand in the 21st Century,
this course has 8 lessons on developing strategy and playing the hand to win. We will cover: Making a Plan -
The process to go through before you touch a card, Developing Tricks, Eliminating Losers, Transportation, Thinking
like the Opponents, and Managing the Trump Suit.
Note: Students should have completed Beginning Bridge I or have a basic knowledge of Standard American bidding,
Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, and Blackwood.
♦ Each class includes approximately a 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of play.
♦ The course book is available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pickup) or online from Baron Barclay.
♦ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♦ Taught by: Larry Huiras. For more information email:
Chat Bridge:
[In Person at the Club]
Chat Bridge Game $7: Thursdays 12:30-3:00pm
Play bridge while being able to ask questions during the bidding and/or the play. Limited to those with 50 MP or fewer.
Master Points are awarded. Come anytime, no partner necessary. Teachers: various.
Intermediate Chat Lessons: Thursdays, 11:00-12:00
Sign up online or in person by Wednesday noon, so we can plan for enough coaches. Like Chat Bridge you get to bid and
play the hands open and you can ask questions. Each table has a coach, so the instruction is very hands-on.
The cost for the lesson is a suggested donation of $2. Facilitated by: various coaches.
Catalogue Of All Classes/Courses:
Beginning Bridge 101 - Bidding
[Hybrid Format: Online and In Person simultaneously]
They say Bridge is a Bidder’s game! Here is where you can start, based on the popular ACBL Bridge Series:
Bidding In The 21st Century, this course has 8 lessons on Standard American bidding. We will cover all the
basics to get you playing at the club or at your kitchen table.
♣ Each class includes approximately a 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of play.
♣ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♣ The course book is available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pickup) or online from Baron Barclay.
♣ Taught by: Larry Huiras. For more information email:
Beginning Bridge 102 - Play of the Hand
[Offered Online Only]
Course is facilitated over Zoom. Based on the popular ACBL Bridge Series: Play of the Hand in the 21st Century,
this course has 8 lessons on developing strategy and playing the hand to win. We will cover: Making a Plan -
The process to go through before you touch a card, Developing Tricks, Eliminating Losers, Transportation, Thinking
like the Opponents, and Managing the Trump Suit.
Note: Students should have completed Beginning Bridge I or have a basic knowledge of Standard American bidding,
Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, and Blackwood.
♦ Each class includes approximately a 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of play.
♦ The course book is available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pickup) or online from Baron Barclay.
♦ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♦ Taught by: Larry Huiras. For more information email:
Beginning Bridge 103 - Defense
[Hybrid Format: Online and In Person simultaneously]]
Based on the popular ACBL Bridge Series: Defense in the 21st Century, this course has 8 lessons focusing on
the defensive aspect of bridge. Defense, often considered the hardest aspect of bridge, is the foundation of
winning play. This course is the third in a series of beginning courses.
Note:Students should have completed Beginning Bridge I and II and/or have a sound knowledge of Standard American
bidding including most basic conventions as well as basic declarer play.
♥ Each class includes approximately a 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of play.
♥ The course book is available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pickup) or online from Baron Barclay.
♥ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♥ Taught by: Larry Huiras. For more information email:
This course is offered when a minimum number of interested students makes it viable.
Beginning Bridge 104 - Conventions
Beginning after the Defense Course as scheduled.
Based on the popular ACBL Bridge Series: Commonly Used Conventions in the 21st Century this course has eight lessons
that include: Stayman Convention--Jacoby Convention--Major suit openings and responses--Minor - suit openings and
responses--Subsequent auction--Weak two-bids--strong 2 club openings. The course book The Spade Series Commonly
Used Conventions in the 21st Century is available at a discounted price at the club. Lessons are $70 for entire
series and include about 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of play. Questions contact Larry Huiras, email:
This course is offered when a minimum number of interested students makes it viable.
Beginning Bridge – Bridge Basics
[In-Person Only]
The course is based on the Book Bridge Basics I: An Introduction by Audrey Grant and taught in 8 interactive lessons
that include practice and play. Each lesson is interactive and will have cards on at the table. The course will cover the
basics and includes: No Trump Opening Bids and Responses, Major Suit Opening Bids and Responses, and Minor Suit
Opening Bids and Responses. Register by yourself or with a partner everyone plays.
♣ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♣ Register online at:
♣ The course book is $13, available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pick up).
♣ Taught by: John Edmundson. For more information email:
Beginning Bridge – Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding
[In-Person Only]
The course is based on the Book Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding by Audrey Grant and is taught in 8 interactive
lessons. Each lesson will have cards on at the table from the first lesson. The course will cover the basics of competitive
bidding and include: Preempts, Overcalls and Advances, and Takeout Doubles and Advances.
♣ Course is offered in person only at the Bridge Center.
♣ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♣ Register online at:
♣ The course book is $15, available at the club or online at various retailers
♣ Taught by: John Edmundson. For more information email:
Beginning Bridge – Bridge Basics 3: Popular Conventions
[In-Person Only]
The course is based on the Book Bridge Basics III: Popular Conventions by Audrey Grant and taught in 8 lessons.
It covers everything from playing at a party table to a tournament table Popular Conventions teaches you the core
conventions that will strengthen your game for sure. It introduces you to the Stayman conventions, Jacoby transfer bids,
the strong artifical two club opening, Blackwood and Gerber. This book gives you a chance to get ahead and win!
Table of Contents:
The Stayman Convention
Jacoby Transfer Bids
Strong Opening Bids
Slam Bidding
Additional Practice Deals
♣ Course is offered in person only at the Bridge Center.
♣ Course Fee is $70 for all 8 classes - no refunds after the third week of classes.
♣ The course book is $12, available at the club (Kim can arrange for you to pick up).
♣ Taught by: John Edmundson. For more information email:
Advanced Topics I - Intro to 2 over 1
This is a four-lesson series designed for improving players who would like to move from Standard American to a Two Over
One system. It would be extremely advantageous for a regular partnership that would like to develop a basic 2/1 card to take
this course together. Each Class is designed for about 1 hour of interactive instruction followed by an hour of live and/or online
practice hands
Topics include:
* Two Over One: Game Forcing Auctions
* Forcing NT and Bidding Structure
* Inverted Minors & Minor Suit Slam Bidding
* Jacoby 2NT, New Minor Forcing, 4th Suit Forcing
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Standard American Bidding, Stayman, Transfers, & Blackwood.
Cost: $50.00 for the 4 class series. No refunds after the first week of classes.
Questions contact Larry Huiras, email:
This course is generally offered in the Summer or when a minimum number of interested students makes it viable
Advanced Topics II - Bidding and Play
A workshop of various advanced topics designed for improving players. Each Class is designed for about 1 hour of interactive
instruction followed by an hour of online practice hands.
Topics included:
* Doubles: getting it right!
* Preemptive Bidding
* Weak No Trumps and defending against them
* Leads and Carding Conventions
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Standard American Bidding, Stayman, Transfers, & Blackwood.
Cost: $50.00 for the 4 class series. No refunds after the first week of classes.
Questions contact Larry Huiras, email:
This course is generally offered in the Summer or when a minimum number of interested students makes it viable